Cover photo and interview portraits for RSVP Magazine issue #2
Photo du couverture et portraits pour des interviews dans RSVP Magazine numéro 2
Photo du couverture et portraits pour des interviews dans RSVP Magazine numéro 2
Cover of RSVP Magazine issue #2
Thomas Vernis, owner of Santos Tapas Bar
David Proulx, owner of Oui Marketing. Handlettering by Tanya Lam
Brahm Mauer, founder of Brahm Mauer Bar Services
Geneviève and Natalie Émond, owners of the spa Bota Bota
Carl Rémillard-Fontaine, certified real estate broker for Profusion Immobilier Inc.
Imad Nabwani, owner of La Brasserie Le Pois Penché
Ana Marinescu of Urbana Marketing